The area around our campsite/resort was loaded with wildlife. These little guys were brave and foolish, coming down to sit with us, teasing and playing with the dogs...and the kids. The first night, we were sitting around after dark, watching the bats skim the lake surface. We kept hearing this high scree-ing. Some thought it was the bats but Michael and I thought it was too loud to be bats. Sure enough, all of a sudden, about 6-8 owls start swooping from tree to tree over our heads, like some bizarre nature's game of musical chairs. It was so freaky and cool! Then a huge wind storm came up, we had thunder and lightning....the sky was so big there that it was ever so much more impressive. You forget, living in town, just what a night sky is supposed to look like...out there, you feel small and insignificant in the grandest of manners. I love that feeling...that raw emotion of knowing, absolutely, that the earth is breathing the same breath you are, that it's heart's rhythm is your own. The next morning, the loons' cries greeted us. Walking the dog, I had a raven follow me for 20 minutes while we "talked" together. So many treasures on this earth.

After a week of camp with temperatures in the high 30's and 40's(C), no matter how much fun you're having, you begin to become a bit grouchy. We were sleep deprived, hot, dehydrated, dirty...longing for a little "civilization." We were on our way into Kamloops where we knew we had a hot shower, clean clothes, food without that smokey campfire taste, a BED, indoors, a refrigerator with COLD beer and air-conditioning when we happened upon this godscene...as if the sky was understanding just what we were thinking.

Eagle overhead....

Falkland Fire...we passed this forest fire on the way in to camp. We passed it again on our way back out...it burned a long time. This day, it was reported "Contained but not controlled." It was raining when we left Kamloops two days later, thank goodness.

Just a shot of some grass...I like the colour and the texture... so, that's it for this installment...a few more shots I'd like to share in the next post... maybe later tonight I will wrap up this trip.
Until then.
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