Here is the second crop of roses of the season, not nearly as pretty as the first, nor as fragrant...but the fact that we get two blasts of colour every summer is darn cool, don't you think...

Here is Michael dressed as a pirate for, of all things, a Christmas party. He doesn't like when I put his photo up, so you must live with the black stripe of anonymity. So this photo is a little dated, but I am on a pirate theme today...however, my little pirate of the Caribbean, Sebastion the Hermit Crab, is unavailable for photos as he is naked right now. Yippur, a naked hermit crab isn't pretty, so they hide themselves. He is molting, shedding his skin right now, getting bigger, so he has buried himself in a planterbox of dirt until such time as he deems himself decent enough to appear in public again.

Another dated photograph of Pirate Maggie, oddly enough, at Christmas, again. See the bandana?!? What pirate would be caught dead in a reindeer bandana? What brought about all the pirate stuff? Yesterday, I met a friend of friend...he was quite a character, quite charming in a squeamish, bad-toothed sort of way, ya know?!? In the course of a five minute conversation with the guy, he called me a pirate, a pretty pirate, a pirate gal, about seven times. I didn't get it...I couldn't understand why he kept calling me a pirate but I didn't ask, because it was charming in a squeamish, bad-toothed kind of way, ya know? Later, at home, the moment of "AH HA... I am a pretty pirate gal..."

My only question being, was he looking at my chest everytime he called me a pirate, a pretty pirate, a pirate gal? What do you think?
I tried to upload two more Nanaimo pirate pictures, just for a full, over-the-top pirate effect, but Blogger just doesn't want to cooperate with me today. Some days you're the windshield and some days you're the bug.
Pirates...never really cared for them. I like the Pirates of the Carribean movies but I don't get the fascination.
I love pirate Maggie. Poodle was also charming in a bad tooth sort of way. What is with the Christmas pirate thing? We do Christmas a little different here...
I used to go out in public dressed like that in the Eighties...
michael appears to make a pretty pirate himself!
Hey, I once dressed up like a pirate...
at least once...
Sometimes ya gotta give in to the squeamish, bad toothed charm.
adult-i never really got the alure, though loved Johnny in his role, too
life-i guess the guy, with all the glory of his teeth, could have been a pirate, also
todemesne-i think most of those could have come out of my closet in the 80's, as well...in fact, one or two things came from my closet last year!
Cara, Michael IS a very pretty pirate...and you should see his teeth! Nice.
Heidi, I am not suprised that you have dressed the pirate part...pretty pink-haired pirate gal!!!
not a huge pirate fan, but a huge fan of The Pirate Movie, which also came out in the 80's. 'Course
Christopher Atkins was a very pretty pirate....
pretty, pretty, yes he was... and why did we like that movie so much? I bet you if I watched it now, I'd cringe, but I must have seen that 20 times or more then...
Actually,I own it on DVD. Still know most of it by heart. I don't watch it often...the kids mock me...But, I still love the cheesey songs, the incredibly lame dance numbers, and of course, Christopher Atkins.( my 1st love )
To think I once walked into a bar with a Simon Le Bon style band around my head. Oh the shame of it...
It was the 80's...don't beat yourself over it...My hair was soo big, and I wore so much jewelry on my neck and head, I don't know how I was able to walk upright...and the make- up......Yikes!!!!
remember skirts over longjohns? or was that just me? pegging our jeans so tight I had to leave the seams open at the bottom to let my size 10 feet through? earrings that dangled so low they nearly got caught on the belt worn on the outside of your extra long shirt over(dare I even say it?)spandex leggings? The horror, the horror....witchy boots with fringe? Sadly, I was horrifically camera shy(and still am) so there is not too much evidence...maybe not so sad, actually.
I LOVED Simon...headband and all.
The spandex leggings...I also had plaid pants and a leather tie...Thankfully,not much photographic evidence here,either.
Now I come to think of it I spent most of the Eighties trying to get my jacket sleeves to stay pushed up.
Christmas pirates!? What a great idea for fabulous friday!!!! Thanks for your great ideas!!!! Scoob
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