Thursday, August 17, 2006


This is the real reason Cinderella was always scrubbing....not the evil stepmother. Want to know how I know?!? Guess what I am doing today? ick ick ick. Yes, I am preoccupied. Sorry...the dog is useless in this situation. I miss Crook that much more now. Well, better go finish so that I can go to the ball tonight in my fabulous new gown and glass shoes...well, actually, we are going out Saturday night cuz our friend's band is playing, but it requires sensible dancing shoes!!!! Later, then!


Biddie said...

YUCKYUCKYUCK. I love most animals,even rodents. But I like the rodents that resemble the ones from Cinderella more than Willard. Good luck.

dilling said...

I have had a pet rat, a gerbil, hamsters...all fine and dandy...things that live off of me and leave dirt, poo and nasties everywhere make me crazy!!!! I am a freaky cleaner, I am one of those people...I can't stop myself. I feel icky thinking they/it is in my cupboards, nibbling on my food, on my stove, etc. Ugh...the traps are empty this morning...but my house sure smells clean!

Biddie said...

Did you try chocolate in the traps? When we had rats at our old place, we used poison. It worked like a charm, but we had stoned rats stumbling around everywhere.

dilling said...

Michael put peanut butter on the piece that makes it go SNAP. His theory being that the little critter really has to work at the trigger to get that butter off and then WHAM. Ick.
It must be's too icky and they could just walk off into your walls and stink...ew.

Biddie said...

Never thought of that. Stick to the traps...

Heidi the Hick said...

Traumatized. This is worse than boy cows with udders.

dilling said...

ugh, it was back last night and this morning, none of the traps are even sprung... I have a genius rodent in here...and, magic! Last night, since Michael was here, too, the vermin appeared to only be the size of a mouse! Not a marmot! How did it do that?