Saturday, November 10, 2007

so it goes.........

My neighbour had a hooker working outside her house a few days neighbour has kids and, besides that, doesn't want hookers working outside her house. She asked the hooker to move along and when this hooker wouldn't move along, my neighbour took a picture of the hooker... the hooker hit my neighbour in the face. Hit her. My neighbour's husband held the hooker until police arrived. She was arrested...with eight, count them, EIGHT outstanding warrants...and now she has just assaulted someone. The police said she'd be away for a long time. Guess who was out working the next day? Yessirree. That same damn hooker. That is the courts working hard to protect its citizens. Eight warrants, went to jail for hitting someone in the face and the courts just let her out the next day.
Come on. No wonder we are all getting so angry down here.


Coffeypot said...

Hell, the judge and the DA are probably her best customers.

Olly said...

If it was me, I'd have had my husband hold her back so I could have at least one good shot in myself (and I am just about the last person to ever even think about hitting someone)...I don't know, officer, she had that black-eye already, I think...

God damn great justice system here, huh?

Anonymous said...

For decades British Columbia's social, education, and justice systems functioned to the background music, "I did it myyyyyyyy waaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!" While at the same time thumbing our collective noses at the rest of the country, smugly thinkig we are superior and "laid back."

All that social engineering has turned around and bit us on the ass, hasen't it?

In any other Province in Canada the Hooker would still be in jail awaitng trial.

Heidi the Hick said...

Man, there is a case where that person absolutely needs to be in jail.

What can I do? Write to the newspaper?

Olly said...

By the way, did anything positive come out of your neighbourhood meeting the other day? Are these meetings just for your immediate neighbourhood or are surrounding areas welcome?

Maybe getting the word out to more people would pack a bigger punch in this battle. Those of us in areas close to you are well aware it can be our fight (and already is from time to time) tomorrow.

In the meantime, if there is anything I can do...

Anonymous said...

Are your officials elected? Is there an election coming soon? Maybe you need to get into the political arena.

dilling said...

Olly, our meetings are usually the first Thursday of the month at the Odd Fellows Hall on Prideaux at 7pm. I will let you know when the next one is...I didn't make this meeting, but Michael went. It was a bad night and we didn't want to leave the house unoccupied.
Gawilli, they are elected but no upcoming election. They wouldn't have started these measures before an election, I think. But it's also, in part, due to the Downtown Nanaimo Partnership(business people) who help pay for these security guards so that the streets are safer for shopping...of course I can't walk down there to shop but, hey, whatever. I would never run for politics. I am overwhelmed running my own life...and Michael's(wink).

dilling said... want to write to anyone, you just do it!
Speaking of writing...I got to jot some notes down this weekend and get something to you in the mail on Monday....

katy said...

this sure does stink, what chance is there if someone with 8 outstanding warrants goes free? i really do feel for you and your neighbours Dilling

emily said...

What hooker was it?

Anonymous said...

I sit here stunned! If you wrote a novel called VICTORIA STREET based on what a goodly number of your posts are about, it would make damn fine fiction. The only drawback here is that it's not fiction, it's what you and your neighbours have to live with on a daily basis. Crying shame!