Gong Show, that's it! What a Gong Show.
I nearly gonged myself out a time or two just because I was sick of "listening" to myself whine. I did whine a bit, right? It was hard not to because the thing about posting every single day is this...I am not in a good mood every day. And this has been the most difficult couple of months living in what has proven to be a trying neighbourhood anyway. And it's not over. Not with a crackhouse operating just up the alley here on Milton Street.
It's the same old bad joke. Not that it's been all bad...we had the rally, the round up, the demise of Spanglish(finally), photo assignments(can I tell you all how much these mean to me? I love them!!!!!!), plenty of dog walks, and most important of all, Little Man is home, which is just exactly where he is supposed to be.
Wow, I just looked at all the good stuff that happened this month. What blessings. Truly. Maybe I should make a list at the end of every month, eh? Why was I so angry so much of the time? ***Note to self-Must remember to give more thanks.
So hey, I'm done. I made the 45 second mark(or, in this case, thirty posts) without a gong, though I bet Rex Reed would have gonged me, if he were reading along. So, Jaye P. Morgan, what's my score?
So, with that...I think I am taking tomorrow off...and maybe even the next day. See you all next week?!?