Thursday, November 16, 2006


So here is some of my greatest work....ha ha. Honestly, that trim is going to kill me....look at that view, though....from one of the living room windows. That is the ocean back there behind those houses. View from the master of the apartment's views of down town....great colour choices, eh? I actually want this colour for my bedroom but I want it in venetian plaster.
Another living room view of downtown AND the water and our glimpse of blue skies today.
How sexy is that trim and baseboard? It's enough to rent the apartment just for that baseboard, let me tell you.
Look at the size of that feet ain't "dainty" by any stretch of the's taking forever to paint.....
But look at that's worth it, isn't it?
I can't wait to have coffee on winter afternoons in this room....but I am tired now...and am ready to call it a night...there are miles more trim tomorrow...


emily said...

i love you, i love the baseboards and i can't wait to have coffee in there with you!

Anonymous said...

You've done a really good job there. You should be proud! And it looks a great place to sit and have coffee!

Heidi the Hick said...

Waht a great apartment and what a great friend!

I do love those colours.

My in-lawrs have an old bouse built in 1886. It was already kind of wrecked when they bought it in 1969 but they haven't been fussy for keeping its character intact. They just finished a 5 month renovation from hell on the second floor. Right down to the brick and back up. I know they got rid of the old trim and put in new stuff. I know I'm going to hate it. I'm happy for them that it's done because they put up with a lot of half finished construction for 30 years, but damn.

They don't have views like that either!

Somday I'm going to have an old house. It'll be untouched since the 40s and I'm not touching the woodwork!

Anonymous said...

Looks great!!!

Biddie said...

The place looks wonderful! I wish that I could paint like you....
The base boards are fantastic. The views are amazing.
How much longer until you are sitting with Em and sipping coffee?

CindyDianne said...

What a lovely place! And a gorgeous view! And, I nice paint job. And look at that trim!

Anonymous said...

you doing a great job. i learnt today that baseboards are what we call skirting boards

Anonymous said...

You rival Michelangelo and Leonardo all rolled into they couldn't do baseboards like you can and they probably don't do windows, either!

emily said...

can't wait to enjoy the view with you! not long now....
i don't think that i will even notice how wonderful my views are, i will be too busy staring at my sexy baseboards!