Monday, November 20, 2006

more, you say?

Ninja gorilla or tai chi in the park?!?
I wonder what he is(she is) thinking about here....
ouch...poor thing fell off the swing...lordy, yesterday way a good day....


dilling said...

by the way, these photos are kind of out of focus because the windows are so dirty...i just wasn't brave enough to go out there and take photos IN the park...I was just painting the window trim and looked out and there, like a gift, was this gorilla...

Anonymous said...

what do you mean you weren't brave enough, he might have been waiting for you to go and play with him!

Anonymous said...

A real gorilla? Person in costume? What? ack I'm confused...

emily said...

what? he's back? those are awesome photos!

dilling said...

ldbug, if it was a REAL gorilla, I would have been out that door in a heartbeat. I would love to go the way Steve Irwin did, sadly, with my hand touching the face of god and nature...but PEOPLE(for the most part) scare me and this WAS a person in a gorilla costume. I just couldn't venture out there but they did, so very totally, make my day. Hell, they made my whole week. I love that person, whoever it is.

emily said...

and that person (whoever it is) has no idea that they have become a hot blog topic!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Still LMFAO! Either this is way too funny or I am way too tired. I love where you say "like a gift, was this gorilla" I would have made my mom go out and take pictures. HAHAHAHAHAHA...still.

Biddie said...

OMG!!! I swear, these photos are too funny!!! WTF? He's taking a dirt nap? TOO funny!

Anonymous said...

Guess what the main topic of conversation was today...yup, a gorilla-suited person on a swing in a park! I've lost count of the number of times I've gone back to look at it, just to make sure I wasn't mistaken the first time (or daydreaming really weird dreams). This thing has missed his/her/its calling if he/she/it doesn't start a blog!

Anonymous said...

Yikes...just had a thought (I do that sometimes). Could it possibly be a baby Bigfoot?

Anonymous said...

is it a child or an adult?
to happen upon this is brilliant, i image that you do feel blessed!
i feel i need more details though....

Anonymous said...

I am so intruiged! Is it a child or an adult? Did they fall off the swing? Maybe they were drunk or stoned!

Tell me I must know!

Anonymous said...

Why in hell is some guy/gal wandering around Canada in a gorilla suit? Weird..maybe they got the Sasquatch/gorilla thing mixed up....

dilling said...

Why, you ask? Why not? I ask.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you have a pic of the gorilla coming down the slide?

dilling said...

tod, nope, I prayed that he would go on the slide...but no, no he did not.

dilling said...

tod...full grown adult gorilla and yes, yes, he did fall off the swing.