Wednesday, November 15, 2006

west coast winters

Today the day broke, but the light did not arrive...
faces pressed against cold glass trying to imagine the sun...
We are children of the west coast, summer spoiled and rarely in need of thick winter coats or layers of socks...we welcome a snowfall or two every year as a blessing.

And yet, our skies for months will be dull and weak,
and the rains that fall incessant down can drown the will,
drain our eyes of colour, dilute the resonance of our our voices.

Every sound is heavy and wet.

We arrrive home drenched and muddy with smelly dogs, and the dryer is forever full of damp towels. The floor is filthy for months. Sometimes, sometimes, this will seem too much.

But not today.


.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Lucky! I hate the snow.

Heidi the Hick said...

dilling, how can you make even a grey sky so beautiful?

Crafty Missus said...

look at those flags! they are answering lots prayers.....

Anonymous said...

It's comforting to be inside when it's raining and gray out

Anonymous said...

It was a bit much over on my side of the water elderly neighbour's gazebo was blown over and the high winds knocked down a huge piece of lattice fencing covered in clematis in my front yard. Even Casper in his fleece coat wasn't keen on beach walks. But...oh, those enormous waves crashing in was something else!

Anonymous said...

It's very grey and "squelchy" here too. the sky is so grey it feels like we are are in perpetual twighlight...

Biddie said...

The past couple of days have been gray and dismal here, as well. I certainly don't miss the snow, but I will appreciate it on Christmas Eve. Other than that, I don't need it.
You need to ignore the floors and put on some comfy jammies...That'll chase the blues away............