Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
This is what you are here for....yes, both the Cassidy's. Good genes in that family...the 70's...ah, Starsky. Yup. Had it bad for him...and still do. He is quite handsome still, and finally has his hair under control! Dirk Benedict, but only as Starbuck. The A-Team killed that crush. Some glaring exceptions from my dark, brooding types were the blond brother from Simon and Simon and Shaun Cassidy. My most complex crush is Sam Elliot because I first had a crush on the character I was reading in a book(weird, eh?). Then the movie came out and I didn't know Sam then, but fell in love with him as Travis McGee. Joe Penny, I really hate to admit that one. Simon LeBon.
David Bowie. I have dreamed of Bowie for years. He usually comes around in my dreams when I have trouble with my eyes for some reason. He has been in every optometrist office that I have...in my dreams, anyway. And spent nearly a week in my dreams with me just before my lasik surgery. Since the surgery, he hadn't been around, but just last week he was back. It was nice to talk with him again.
John Corbett. David Duchovney(why don't you love me?), and Michael Weiss. Jesse Martin(oh, that smile).Hugh Jackman, but only as Wolverine so the crush is actually on Wolverine and not Hugh. It probably won't last, then. Viggo.
David Hyde Pierce...I adore him. Love him. Michael looks like him. How lucky am I?
Johnny, of course, for years and years...and years.
My Vincent, goes without saying.
But, hands down, the longest lasting crush that has held true against the test of time, just as strong now as then....Steve McQueen. I will still stay up all night to watch the Great Escape or Bullitt or Love With the Proper Stranger....Sand Pebbles....no matter how many times I have seen them all already.
Whew. Gotta go walk the dog and get some cool air!!! heh heh
I am tagging Cara, Aethan's diary, and greenwellies.
We arrrive home drenched and muddy with smelly dogs, and the dryer is forever full of damp towels. The floor is filthy for months. Sometimes, sometimes, this will seem too much.
But not today.