Saturday, September 16, 2006

one more call for alcohol...

2am and the lights are blazing out front...we are blocks from the downtown clubs, so this is really not an uncommon sight. The lights woke me and I stumbled out to the front of the house to watch, lurid lookey-loo that I's not very exciting anymore but sometimes it's so damn funny, in a sick, sad way...cuz they haven't killed anyone yet. This guy thought he was on his way to an after-hours party, I think. He yelled at a couple of cars going by to pull over and wait for him. He thought he wasn't drunk. He is yelling at cars in the middle of a sobriety test, two cops, lights flashing, convinced he is not drunk... hmmm. You fail. While they were handcuffing him, two drunk as skunk guys stumbled up the road, loud and rowdy...but smart enough to walk home so home they went. You don't have to be brilliant when you're just have to know you're drunk! I couldn't stay awake for the tow truck, the final humiliation. He had a blazer on wheels as tall as my entire car, so they had to call in a flat-bed took too long. I was tired.
Here she is...we decided on Emma...I don't know where that name came from at the final moment. We just had to have a name and Michael called her Emma...and it stuck, immediately. She must like it, as she is already responding to it...eerie, isn't it? Don't those ears just make you want to cry?
For the Adult in Question and for Life...don't you just love him?


katy said...

emmas a good name and yes those ears make me want to cry but she home now

Crafty Missus said...

ahhhh... emma is a loverly name.
i like her ears, she will bring fringe beagle into style. all the neighbourhood dogs will be begging their owners to let them get their ears done like emma's!
i'm thinking of using your blahg theme to start a new one that is all shots of hateful prince of wales driver. i got a cab home tonight and the driver was leaning on his horn and swearing on a guy who was riding his bike up the street. it scared me. the cabbie couldn't figure out why the guy was cycling on the road.... needless to say he didn't get a tip from me. i think i should record stuff like this and start calling people on their bad driver ettiqute.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Creepy! That lamp matches the one the name Emma.

Biddie said...

I love the name Emma. If I would've had one more, we would've named her Emma. It's a beautiful name.
I love the lamp! I'm trying to post a photo of our Yoda lamp, but the camera isn't co operating.

gawilli said...

For me, the final humiliation would be having to pick my car up the next day.

Emma is a fine name, and it fits her well. She seems to have a soft and gentle demeanor. She looks very comfortable in your home. Good for Emma and you.

Anonymous said...

I just ran yelling through the house that Leslie has a new Beagle named Charlotte and then had to run back through the house and say no now her name is Emma. Emma is a fine name. Some day I will learn to read the whole story before I begin celebrating for you. Peaballs, Lisa Bean, D, M, Dw, Me, are all here hanging out and they would like to wish you both the best. Oh also they would all like to know how old Emma is? Wish you were here in Olywa, Miss you. Scoob

Molly said...

Your dog is cute whatever the name, but Emma is a fablulous name.

Although I do not live next to clubs, having black and whites (police cars) pull up to the neighborhood houses is not so unusual. Regrettably, we live in a declining residential area, and drug use is exposed from time to time. Granted drug use is occuring in the classier neighborhoods as well, but I think that the rich folks are usually able to keep their sins more private.

I hope that you are rested from the late night.

Anonymous said...

Love the Emma name...but I guess I'm biased, having my own Em just down the lane way! It suits her perfectly (both of them) and I laughed when I read Cara's comment about the fringe beagle style. Poor wee thing, but look where she finally ended up...with you. Some things have got to be worth the wait, when you're worth your weight in gold...does that sound a little philosophical?

dilling said...

Barb, Emily is one of my favourite names of all time...don't tell your daughter or she'll get a swelled head over that!!! But we couldn't name little Emma with the name of any people we knew...just because...and so that ruled a lot of names...but Michael picked Emma and I didn't tell him my great aunt was Emma cuz I LOVE that name, too, and I loved Emma's story in our there ya go. If I call her Em, then it's like I am talking to Em, anyway, right?

Pioneer Woman said...

Emma...ahhh. What a face and what a name. She's destined for greatness.