or is time
really suddenly moving so fast that I can't keep up? The days are shorter, it's dark when I get up now...dark early, too. I shouldn't be so suprised by it, but I am. I think summer was here just last week, wasn't it? This week will be a madhouse so I thought I would make a little time here to check in...write something here, actually comment on some of your pages. I miss everybody. We need to have a little get together or something, eh? Oh...maybe a collective photo challenge or something. Only, just not now...cuz I can't keep up.
Around the hood here, there is new playground equipment in the park, and the new retirement residence has finished blasting and commenced building. Em's old place across the street is getting a huge facelift with new roof, siding, fencing, decks and stairs. It will be so nice to not see the old eyesore when I pull back the curtains. Our very colourful neighbours across the street moved out so we're all holding our breath to see who the landlord puts in next. Fingers crossed.
Thanksgiving is coming and I hear that we'll be pretty busy at
work this week, so I am savouring having today off. Finishing up packing for my trip home, buying gifts for all the birthdays I have missed, etc. We leave on the first ferry out on Sunday, after a bit of a scramble to find a house/kitty sitter. It's been a long time since I was home. I am kind of nervous about it. Weird, eh?
It'll be good, though. Good to see my family and friends. Good to see Mount Rainier in the distance, good to walk Capitol Lake, good to be
home for a bit. Good not to see Victoria Road for a bit.
Did I mention that I have been running? After the running clinic wrapped up a few months ago, I kept running...so finally, I think I am beginning to see the results...took long enough. Sheesh. Encouraged by that. I joined a gym today...it's right on my way to work. Like right there. Met with a trainer today to set my goals, measure up(ugh) and see what I have to do to get where I want...and I have to say, I was suprised to learn that I am really already pretty close. I must have a completely warped idea of what I look like. Which also suprised me...I thought I wasn't the "type." Aside from the idea that I want to look "HOT" in my 40's, really I just want to feel strong again...cuz I remember liking that feeling. A lot.
Oh, and? Michael ordered me the
Dexter books...can't wait. They will be waiting for me when we get to Washington. And? We are quite possibly buying the cutest car ever while we're down there....my little van can't be imported so we have to sell it while we're down there...and hopefully buy something else. I'd show you, but then one of you might run out and buy it out from under us....not that I don't trust each and every one of you. I'm gonna miss my van, though. I love her.
And? Practicing lessons from
U-Dog, I took Eem-er out "off-leash," just her and I yesterday. Faced my own fear about it, and dropped her dragline on the ground...and we both did pretty well, I think. It was way better than I anticipated. We're going out again today while the chicken stock cooks...
Chicken stock...it's soup weather again. Sigh.
Anyhoo, that's enough rambling, isn't it?