Thursday, December 07, 2006

weird job tag

Okay...I have wracked my brain. I didn't have weird jobs. Lame jobs. Yes. Weird jobs. No. In college I washed dishes and served food in the cafeteria. Then I worked at a law firm...started as file clerk and moved up through secretarial work to accounting. I hate accounting. I had some weird experiences but the job itself wasn't weird. When my whole life got weird, I moved to Southern California. By the way, the O.C.? NOT REAL. I lived there. I worked for the BIG BOY, himself,BOB. Also, it being Southern California and rent was out of this world, even then, I worked for a record store(remember records?),now defunct,TicketMaster(saw some fan-frigging-tastastic shows in unbelieveable venues) and a lumber/home improvement center, also now defunct. Actually, both Bob's I worked at are defunct, too. When I was married(yes, it's true...and it's sad), I worked here. At the Navy Exchange in Pearl Harbor. Yes....Hawaii. Oahu. I was an accounting technician. I don't know what that means...but I got tired of working indoors at a desk with a ten-key because I was living in, hello!, Hawaii. Plus? I hate accounting.
So I went to work for the Air Force Base instead, working for the Before and After School Program...dream come true, right? Lots of outdoor activities(in Hawaii), beach trips(in Hawaii), field trips(in Hawaii). Can anyone say MILITARY BRATS?!? Oh yeah...they are not a myth. I actually had to have an FBI background check for that job and a psychological evaluation. They should give you those when you LEAVE!!!!!! But look at the perks....
This is where I lived. After Hawaii, we moved to Oregon. Not my dream. I was working full time plus so that my then soon-to-be-ex-husband could go to college. I worked a job I hated so long that I learned to love it. I did home care and vocational training for people with physical and mental disabilities. I did it for a long time. I ALSO worked in a group home for assaultive, autistic adults. I worked that job until I could not stand the thought of one more scar on my body. Really. Literally. Truly. Hard work, punishing work. And for me? Not that rewarding. Post traumatic stress. Anxiety disorder. Nightmares. Disillusion. And then? When it was supposed to be my turn? Divorce. Don't feel sorry for me. I don't. I don't even like the guy anymore. In fact, I don't even think about him anymore. This is the first time he has entered my head in a very long time. So I left Oregon and ended up working here... in Colorado. It saved my mind. Here, I found out what I was all about...and that is a blessing. I worked at the Mesa Verde National Park(not defunct), doing the accounting and working front desk. I explored the Four Corners area every moment I was off work. I learned to fly fish. Learned to hike for miles. Learned what touching the face of god feels like. I learned what the colour blue is. I learned what it meant to breathe deeply and JUST BE. And I liked it. A lot. But, I still hated accounting.
And then? It was time to move on, I guess. Not knowing what I was doing, I hit the road and found myself here. At first I worked the hotels again...doing accounting. And? Still effing hated accounting. So, I took a job at Yummies, because I LOVE coffee. But guess what? I got to be the manager and had to do what?!? Yippur. Accounting. And, by the way? After I left? Every business owned by these people? Defunct. Although Yummies was revived by new investors.
But paid my rent and I got to live here...and here is where I met Michael...I will forever love this place, in spite of multiple hurricane evacuations and tropical storms, heat so hot I blistered my feet on the sand and(some) employers so bad that I walked around with my two weeks notice in my back pocket forever. Here, I met true love.
Since leaving Texas, I have served more coffee and once, for a two week stint, went back to work for those lawyers in Washington while home visiting....they were between trained secretaries and needed someone who could write nasty, lawyerly letters without overstepping any boundaries. I have day laboured in Vancouver and here in Nanaimo...I have done accounting(still hate it) for cash and tattoos....I have painted and done renovations to three houses now for pay and one for love, ours...I walk dogs for beer. Really.
This is my work get-up. You've seen it before. And, really, that is about it. Not too weird, eh? Maybe walking dogs for beer is weird, eh? But not really.
And I tag Cara, again. Na na.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess to the 'kids today' you could classify the working at a record store as weird? ;-)

Wow, you've lived in some very beautiful places!

Still love the pic with that mask, very cool!

Anonymous said...

Whew...glad I wasn't tagged for this one! Your resume must be in hardcover...

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Wow! You're right, no really weird jobs but I envy you because you have been to some amazing places. I want to visit many of those places and hope that some day I will.

Anonymous said...

You have lived and worked in some amazing places! Mesa Verde looks incredible and is now on my top ten places to visit. You're right, working in an office is shite. I wish I had the courage to give up something that paid well and move on like you...with G of course.

I enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

don't speak to soon barb, you may be tagged yet!! i move prettty quick fer a big lady, you could be it before you know it!
i'll have a think and get right to it....

Heidi the Hick said...

WHOOO! You have done some living!!

This was really fun. I mean, for us to read. What a trip you took to get to where you are!

Anonymous said...

BTW publishing from a new URL...

dilling said...

ld...let me know where to find you...somehow...

Anonymous said...

wow what great places you have lived and live in now think i could just about cope with accountancy if i got to live in those places thank you for a great post

dilling said...

the really hilarious thing is, i really am not that good at math. I just double check and triple check a lot, and I am meticulous about order so it works out in certain lines of accounting...bookkeeping... and wherever you go? there's somebody looking to hire somebody careful to do books...

Anonymous said...

You are truly fabulous. I love and miss you terribly. Scoob