Monday, October 16, 2006


I have been trying to load photos ALL DAY...
Already in a foul and grouchy mood, Blogger is tipping my scales right over an abyss there may not be a return from.
I woke up grumpy to last night's dishes, which always makes me frown. Why didn't I just do them last night?!? I know what I am like in the morning. Had a difficult time making coffee. Can't find my 10 key to do some bookkeeping...bookkeeping that is royally screwed up to begin with... laundry...ick...still no mop...double ick...and the vaccuum that spits all the dust back out that it is sucking up...I feel claustrophobic with clutter and then I feel angry. I feel like bawling for no particular reason and I really wish I could find the ten key so I could get some work done....or I want my photos to load so I could write something nice....
I want to go back to bed and start over...DO OVER, just like in our carefree younger years....


Michael Colvin said...

Oh dear. Blogger has a habit of doing that at the most annoying times. I totally relate to the vacuum cleaner issue. I once threw one like that down a flight of stairs. Unfortunately it exploded making more mess than I could imagine possible.

Forget the cleaning and go for a nice long walk.

Crafty Missus said...

buggering blogger hasn't let me upload and shot on llew's site for ages and it makes me right crooked too.
you should take tod's advice and walk... you could mop shop along the way!
or else swear and have a smoke. that works for me....

Victoria said...

yeah, blogger's been a bit of a (*&^@r lately, that's for sure :)

Do over!

ps I promise I'm not laughing at the vacuum thing. really.

Heidi the Hick said...

dog walk time!!!!!