for the full story of Ape Escape....sorry, I forgot you weren't all here for this then...November 20th, 2006.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
Again....yet again. What did this neighbourhood do to this town? How did we do something so egregious(and when did we do it?) that the powers-that-be just keep adding insult to injury? It is definitely beginning to feel personal.
Business people from downtown, City Social Planner John Horn, some council members all met behind closed doors in a secret meeting denying access to our neighbourhood residents. In fact, John Horn told our neighbourhood liason to these such meetings only HOURS before there would be no meetings at all for the next couple of weeks. Blatant lie. Hey, Council....will you do anything about the BLATANT LIE?
Suprised? Nope. Not down here we're not. We're pretty well used to it by now.
The meeting is to establish another drop in centre in this neighbourhood. Another high impact social service...don't kid yourselves. It is high impact. It was here last year, too. They told us then it would be a temporary measure(four months?) because, after all, the No Hope, dammit, the New Hope Centre would soon be opening and part of the main reason for developing the No Hope Centre, er, dammit, the New Hope Centre, was to develop these services. I mean, they did get millions of dollars just to do that, right? I am right, right? Six or eight months later, the centre did that was just a little White Lie, eh?
Now, apparently, the Salvation Army has their fancy new No Hope Centre, er dammit, New Hope Centre! And they don't want to support the drop in centre. And in this Behind-Closed-Doors-Secret-Society-Meeting, Rick Hyne who owns/manages this piece of shit building down the street has offered it up again for the service of drop-in centre. You see, he's helped drive out all his decent tenants by keeping his building a piece of shit. So he can't rent his spaces out and complains that it's the neighbourhood, the crackheads, the criminal elements(his words, not mine) and then opens up more and more spaces in that building to HIGH IMPACT social services thereby completing the ghetto-ization of the neighbourhood . He doesn't see the forest for the trees...if he invested some damn money, made his building secure, beautified in any way, shape or form, treated his tenants with any iota of decency(or his neighbours, little rat fink), maybe he could be part of what helps turn this neighbourhood around. But in fact, he is one of the main reasons this neighbourhood is shutting down, I believe.
He had that drop-in centre in that building last year. When it opened, when he was getting his rent paid by my tax dollars, he was providing a service for the "homeless." When these same people broke into his building, creating thousands of dollars in damages and theft, they were no longer simply "homeless," but criminal, addicts, etc. We, who live here, already knew that because it was hellacious around here when that centre was here last year. It's hellacious around here right now and they want to put in a drop-in centre on TOP of that? How about getting some kind of handle on the problems already here first before creating more?
Yesterday, three dealers/pushers/pimps followed and intimidated this poor older woman up the road. I guess she must have walked on THEIR side of the street. They followed her back and forth across the street up the block until I saw them. Then they proceeded up the block to try and intimidate me, too. Came right up(I could touch any of them) to me before scattering. Poor woman was scared...I drove her home. She said hadn't walked downtown in a long time and wouldn't do it again now. Good God, we live one block from downtown and we have to drive? Crackheads get to swarm and intimidate little old ladies in the street. Hey, guess where this happened? Exactly where they want to put this drop-in centre. Genius. Aren't they brilliant? I mean, c'mon, aren't they?
And before anyone calls NIMBYism on me....come down here to my street, park your car a while and watch the happenings. Then, if you feel brave enough, get out of your car and walk my neighbourhood. Then, do it at night. Then, come try and get a good night's sleep down here. Try it. I'll put you up. Hell, I 'll bake you those chocolate chunk cookies !
The RCMP have had a marked presence around here lately, and we do notice it and appreciate it, but it isn't enough. Do you hear that Council? John Horn? Downtown Nanaimo Partnership? You helped create this...time to take some responsibility for it...and hey? Sally Ann? Can you give back all the money you took in order to create your multi-million dollar space to house these services if you are not going to, in fact, house these services?!? It is only is the ethical thing to do, right?
Am I right?
*The views in expressed in this blog post are merely my opinion....can I get sued for my opinion? Maybe since I live in this neighbourhood, eh? I mean, it's obvious that we did something wrong by living down here...maybe I will get sued. Dammit. Oh well. And, Asshats and Ratfink really are terms of endearment, right? Am I right?