Thursday, August 02, 2007


On our walk by the river, months and months ago, I found this little guy. I called him Goldeneye. I didn't have my camera because it was pouring. Next time I came with my camera, he wasn't there. Next time I came without my camera, there he was. And so on and so on for the entire Spring and now into Summer. Always in the exact same spot. Always. Yesterday, I went dogwalking early so that I could devote the afternoon to home renovations...I ALMOST didn't take my camera because around that time of day, high-noon-ish, most animals are not stirring. Siesta time in the wild kingdom.
I ALMOST didn't take my camera, but in the end, I did. Gotcha, Mr. Goldeneye. It wasn't really that bad, was it? You are, after all, extremely photogenic.

We found this little ragged butterfly, still beautiful. In fact, I believe, all the more so for it's tattered wings, for it's ability to make me hold so agonizingly still to watch it's course come closer and closer to me, for it's capacity to make my breath catch in my throat as it flutters, easy and delicate, on torn wings from flower to flower, for the fact that life can take great chunks out of us and still leave us beautiful and able to carry on with grace....such gentle lessons the world gives us sometimes.

Like my Goldeneye, Eem-er has her own obsession. There is a squirrel just out of camera range here that harasses all the dogs. It knows it is safe up there in the tree, just out of reach of the dogs when they are gnashing their terrible teeth.....

...or so he'd like to think!

It's also that time of year...the Arbutus are shedding their red skin. I know I have said it before, more than once, but I LOVE these trees.

For those of you who do not live in a temperate coastal climate and have not seen them...they are magnificent, magical trees. Fewer and fewer remain. They grow where everyone wants to live.

Look at that green. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Let's hope we don't wipe them out.
Well, I'd love to sit and chat all day...or go sit out in the sun on the back deck to finish the last pages of Harry Potter...but home renos are beckoning me. Sigh. Hopefully somebody out there is enjoying the good weather for me.


emily said...

i want to walk there just to see that frog.

i want to live surrounded by arbutus.

Victoria said...

I LOVE Arbutus too.

And I can't believe how small your wee frog friend is!

Anonymous said...

I did not know of this tree. It looks like a real wonder. You have given me yet another lesson. Thank you for that.

katy said...

wow goldeneye is so tiny, and the tree is beautiful, would never have known about them so thank you, and emm -er looks like she could climb that tree after the squirrel!

Michael Colvin said...

It was worth the wait for Goldeneye. But I absolutely LOVE that butterfly photo and the sentiments expressed too.

The Arbutus tree is really cool. I would love to have a garden big enough to plant a few trees.

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh I love this post!!

My son has a dragon named Goldeneye. But his is bigger than that little frog.

And the kinda choked up at that...almost wept when I followed the link...

Have you seen the cover of Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman?

I love going along for your walks. I really do want to see an Arbutus tree with my own eyes some day, even though your photos are gorgeous!!

DJ Kirkby said...

Ah this was a beautiful post. My stomach is tight from 'home sickness' now . I bet the blackberries are huge now eh?

raine said...

Lovely froggie. I love arbutus too, each one is it's own person.
Such a gorgeous post.

captain corky said...

Those are some really beautiful pictures.

dilling said...

dj kirrby....there are loads of blackberries our there, small handfuls are just ripening now. Mmmm. I still have one last bag in the freezer from last year. I guess I should make one last pie before I start picking again, eh?

DJ Kirkby said...

Have you got a good recipie for blackberry pie that you'd like to share? I can never manage it and end up making cruble or cobbler with them but my sons would love me to master a blackberry pie.

Michael Colvin said...

ooh crumble! I LOVE crumble. I prefer it to pie for some reason...I must have crumble NOW!

dilling said...

i usually make crisp/crumble not pie...we like it better...our crisp top is more or less a sugar cookie recipe, I think, though I don't make cookies so am not sure. I don't have a special pie recipe, I can't master the crusts.

Biddie said...

I Love the Goldeneye photos. Honestly, you have a real talent when it comes to the camera.