Wednesday, April 04, 2007

not much

Eemer and Duke, her boyfriend...what a lovely couple they make, don't they? Out at Chase River Estuary is one of my dream looks out over the cattails where the swans nest in the winter, herons are here daily, ducks, eagles, hawks...and, now, in spring? The redwing blackbirds are here, staking out their territories. In fact, there is one in this photo. Can you find him? He is singing a beautiful song, trying to impress a lovely lady.
And on a clear day, you can see all the way to the mainland....

..............and really, I got nothing to talk about today. It's been a quiet around Blogland lately, hasn't it????


Anonymous said...

is duke a newf too!?
it has been quiet, i would blame it on spring, but i haven't be blogging much lately (with effort when i do) and it is NOT spring here....

Heidi the Hick said...

I gotta get out there some day!

Michael Colvin said...

That looks pretty much like a dream house to me too. I'll fight you for it! :)