but when we get home, everything is going to be so different...Little Fish won't be so little anymore. I hope she recognizes us when we get back.
We didn't get the bedroom renovation done which means the floors won't be refinished while we are gone...which is probably just as well for the sake of the housesitter/kittysitter. It won't be fun for us, but that would have been too much to ask of someone who is already doing us so many favours...especially when the house they are staying is in such a state!!!
And Emily, Atom and Aethan will have moved to North Vancouver... when we get home. Dammit, Emily, I am crying and it's not even 10 am, yet! B-occe.

So, before I go, I am trying to purge my brain(it's very messy in there right now) and the photos I have been saving for posting. The madness of the moment is threatening to overwhelm me. I have too many things on the go to just STOP and leave. Don't I?

Isn't this uncanny?

Her name was Bowser all along.

Um, where was I? I did say it was messy in there, didn't I? But this stuff has got to go if I am going to enjoy the stars and the marshmallows...we have an ancient laptop that was Michael's dad's. Somehow, with much cussing and trial and error, and searching down long discontinued parts, it is Wireless capable...not that we will be camping in places with a Wireless network, but we are roadtripping, as opposed to just camping, so maybe I will be able to check in with you all once in a while...if we stop for a coffee or at a grocery store. I might be perfectly content NOT to see ANY people for the whole trip, though I suppose that is a little much to ask for.

It's also a place to store photos, so my dinosaur camera will not be "full" on the first day of this trip. That is exciting. I am thinking of a new camera for my birthday...with an Uber-Impressive Macro Feature, since I like looking at the vastness of the world in the smallest forms possible.

We're packed. Two loaves of banana bread are baking. One last load of laundry. Clean up the house a bit for the Sitter. I hate the fact that someone will be here in the midst of this renovation madness...but who knows, maybe the bedroom will be done when we get home?!?

I hope we get good weather for this trip. We're off to the
Kootenay Mountains. We're picking huckleberries, dropping a line in the water, roasting marshmallows over an open fire, counting stars over the treetops, learning how the breathe again....checking out a different landscape...falling in love again.

We're going to meet up with some old friends, and drink beer, wander aimlessy, wake up early with the sunrise or sleep as late as we want...look for bears...step out of time, feed our souls. I'm going to miss you all, if I have time to think about it...let's hope I am too "busy" to think about it, though.

You all take care out there. See you when I see you. Bye.