Friday, July 13, 2007

summer time

Raspberries from my better keep your hands off my raspberries!!!!
Oh how I love the colours of summer...No more oranges and far fewer fact, I only get them to add a little sweetness to my daily dose of carrot-beet juice. Mmmm, now everyone, doesn't that sound YUMMY! I know, I know...but I like it and I like how I feel doing at least one healthy thing for myself! Cherries from my neighbour's tree....wowzers!

The weather has broken today. It's still warm but not stifling. The last few days were so hot that the only dog walks that seemed inviting were out at the beach where it was a couple degrees cooler.

Neck Point Park is full of little succulent treasures, if you know where to look....

and you remember to look closely. Very closely.

"Kitten" is still here, still unnamed. Tiny, eh? Did you realize how tiny in the other post? Teeny tiny. So tiny, I still cannot tell if it is a boy or a girl, hence the no name thing.
At first I was convinced it was a boy.
Now I think girl.
I think I have to wait a bit more before I can tell, but I think I have time now. "It" doesn't seem to be going anywhere...if you know what I mean. I don't dare say it out loud. Wink.

Eem-er still doesn't know what to make of this new situation, but at the end of each exhausting day of guarding kitty, following kitty, nosing kitty, and obsessing about kitty, I think just the tiniest bit more progress is made.

Er.....or not.


Anonymous said...

yummy post missus!
and i'm right happy that the kitty is still there. michael could never be a hard nose over something so cute!
i have been meaning to call... maybe monday??

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at the beauty you seem to find where you are. The picture of the succulents draws me in. The fruit looks delicious and your newest housemate is adorable. What else is there to say? Life must be good.

Anonymous said...

It warms my heart to know that you still have little itsy bitsy kitty safe and sound with you.

katy said...

glad the kitten is still with you, why not just call it Tiny?

Biddie said...

That is the cutest kitty EVER. LOVE your photos.

Olly said...

That last picture of the kitty and the em-er is soo cute. If the dog is this attentive to the cat now it usual means acceptance. Dogs seem so more adaptive to cats than visa-versa.

My cat hates dogs and constantly stalks them. Except for my parents bichon. I guess he knows what kind of trouble he would be in if he attacked it. Such self control. I love dogs, but even my parents out of control bichon puts me to the test. (He sits at the table while they eat! This is not something that would have happened in my younger years with other pets.)

As for Michael, he sounds like a closet cat-person - just hasn't come to terms with admitting to liking it!!!

Michael Colvin said...

I love the succulents picture too and I was looking for some at the market yesterday to put in my garden. I'm glad to hear you still have the kitty!

Coffeypot said...

I like the kitten. It's so small, how about calling it "Nano" for nanosecond. It's a unisex name so it doesn’t matter what the sex is.

Heidi the Hick said...

My raspberries went ripe and perfect while I was coolin my heels at the farm for a week. I think I can still get a few good loads out of the raspberry patch though. I hope! I love them. And I love that plate too. Perfect companion...

speaking of which...Eemer looks like she digs the tiny kitten. IT is very tiny. Tiny the kitten. Nano the kitten. I like it!!!