Monday, July 16, 2007


So the same landlord who owns Spanglish owns this next door to Spanglish. It, too, has been nothing but trouble..or should I just say that this landlord is nothing but trouble. This structure is not residential but he has rented KNOWINGLY to another family. Legally they cannot live there. Why doesn't the landlord go to jail? Huh?
And just who did he rent to and why are they building this ridiculously hideous fence of plywood and BARBED WIRE? And why is the landlord letting them?!? If his property is legitimately up for sale, why would he let it get even uglier than it's previous slumlike state? Someone, somewhere, in the upper echelons of this town, please formulate some plan to get rid of this slumlord! He is thumbing his nose at the neighbours and directly at you, city council, bylaws and RCMP. Honestly, I can't believe we have to keep dealing with this crap.
And? How long does Spanglish get to stay in that horrid state? Maybe it should have just burned all the way to the friggin' ground. It seems the only way to get rid of the slumlords around here is to let their property burn all the way down. Otherwise the buildings just get to stand here in this end of town with boards on the windows and doors, ugly and hateful, collecting squatters and rats. Wouldn't happen in the north end. Next time, Fire Response, could you just let it burn? Please? And, quite honestly, hopefully there is a next time.


emily said...

i second that.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what that fence is about. Strange. Keep at 'em, Dilling.

Michael Colvin said...

Over here the councils have powers to enforce a landlord to bring his property up to scratch. If he doesn't his property can be seized. I'm not sure how well it works tho. These types always manage to be one step ahead in my opinion.

Coffeypot said...

It looks like an old church. Maybe the people living there are the High Priest and Priestess of a witch’s coven and they have the landlord under a spell. Be careful! You may end up as a frog.

katy said...

you need to take a road trip, remember thats when the last fire was! nominated you for an award at my place

Anonymous said...

What on earth is going on? That's not a fence, it's a barrier and hopefully, even the mayor and his cohorts can't ignore that blight on the corner.