Friday, June 23, 2006

Pip's social commentary

This morning, my neighbour's 13-year-old jack russel, Pip, evil genius that she is, escaped the yard. Most of us in this neighbourhood are "dog people," so needless to say there were several of us out walking, biking, driving around looking for her, checking every garbage can and dumpster(she is a notorious garbage hound). While I was out I saw two hookers propositioning potential johns(negotiating prices). I saw two drug deals. I saw a guy come out of the cold beer and wine store, suck back a cold&frosty one, get on a motorcycle and drive away(it was 10:30 am). I saw crackheads sleeping and firing up in the park that we neighbours had to get PERMISSION from the city to use for our community picnic....a park that is supposedly on the city's "Red Zone Policy" to keep the drug pushers/users and prostitutes from taking over city spaces, by the way. I saw the little drug dealers on bikes, whistling their codes to each other. I SAW police cars, plural, in our neighbourhood. Why didn't they see anything? They were too busy "arresting" a geriatric jack russel for pooping on the street. That's right, folks. Several police passed all those same things I did but one of Nanaimo's finest chose to stop to detain a dog and drive it out to the city pound. In fact, they probably passed us out on the street calling her name over and over again...what gives?!? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful and relieved for her safe return($40 dollars later). I really, truly do appreciate that. I mean it. But, c'mon. If I saw all that in the passing of one half hour to 45 minutes, what did all the other folks looking for that dog see? How many crimes did it add up to? Those patrol cars just kept rolling on through, except to stop and pluck one gimpy little evil, yet fairly harmless, genius from Milton Street while she was leaving a little social statement for the neighbourhood to read. Crap.

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