Saturday, June 17, 2006

blahg about home

This was my first home...we left when I was four and my folks seperated. It looked nothing like this...except those trees were there (with more lawn)then, a rusty swing set beneath them. The house was brown, dark brown(I distinctly remember eating paint chips off the door once), with no wood shed and the front door was on the side with the trees. It looks like a happier place now.
This is Spit(Mr. Buttertubs). He kept me company throughout my illness...
he liked my oh-so-apparent incapacity to fend off his avid company. Actually, I really enjoyed his presence...kinda of comforting in an overly eager sort of way.

So, I was going to come back and tell you all about my trip home...all the highs and lows, the good and bad, the funny, the sad, the sweet. Only I got sick the second night out and stayed sick through the whole trip so my stories are few and far between. I spent many, many hours in bed and my time awake was spent wishing I was back in bed(for the most part). I saw Donna in Seattle the first night, lots o'beer and stories. The next day was the Freemont Street Market. I saw overpriced Garlic Farmer's Clogs and revelled in the price I paid at Canadian Tire. Tee hee. That night, though, the Sick started and I drove into Olympia the next day feeling like I just needed to be put in some dark corner with lots of blankets, some cool cloths and quiet. I stayed that way for three days. The rest of my time was split between visiting family and friends and visiting the bed again. So lame. I'm sorry everyone for the lameness of the visit. I managed some nice but brief visits with the folks, one dinner with my sis(which I barely picked at cuz the medicines I took to get me outta bed ruined any appetite I might have had), a couple of drinks spread out over several days at our local dives(thanks for coming out to Joe and Maura and Rhiannon and Beth) was SO good to drink excellent micro-brews on tap for cheap...mmm, though in my condition I did it no justice. I drove home sick, stayed sick at home two more days with even more visiting thrown into that mix(sorry Em, for my lameness)...and then two nights ago we lost our kitty to traffic on Victoria there wasn't too much to really draw the stories out of me anyway.
I took few pictures but will put up some of what I did take in the next few entries and will catch you up a bit at a time on Olympia highlights and what's been going on in the Hood back here....some good stuff, man. Later, then. G'nite.


dilling said...

Not hungry, just typical kid was typical, wasn't it? I only did it once. Though I do remember tasting many oddities throughout childhood, don't you?

dilling said...

mmm, play doh and paste, those are the tastes of kindergarten.