Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
day lily yellow

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006
robot vs trucker
Robot vs Trucker by Russ Morland
We have been waiting since sometime around Christmas to get a painting from Russ, but it was definitely worth it. We love our new canvas! Michael has one of these toy robots from when he was a kid, so it's almost as if it was painted for him! http://www.russart.blogspot.com/
Last night we went to a Beer and Burger Fundraiser for the Campaign to End Breast Cancer! Our friend is going to walk 60K! Yikes. If you feel like sending her your support, financial or otherwise, you can find her by linking to Gotta Love This Island here on my page...Michael won me a one hour gift certificate to Black&Blue tattoo during the silent auction...I think I will have one of Russ's "lurkers" done...or maybe the robot?
Later, then.

Last night we went to a Beer and Burger Fundraiser for the Campaign to End Breast Cancer! Our friend is going to walk 60K! Yikes. If you feel like sending her your support, financial or otherwise, you can find her by linking to Gotta Love This Island here on my page...Michael won me a one hour gift certificate to Black&Blue tattoo during the silent auction...I think I will have one of Russ's "lurkers" done...or maybe the robot?
Later, then.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Pip's social commentary

This morning, my neighbour's 13-year-old jack russel, Pip, evil genius that she is, escaped the yard. Most of us in this neighbourhood are "dog people," so needless to say there were several of us out walking, biking, driving around looking for her, checking every garbage can and dumpster(she is a notorious garbage hound). While I was out I saw two hookers propositioning potential johns(negotiating prices). I saw two drug deals. I saw a guy come out of the cold beer and wine store, suck back a cold&frosty one, get on a motorcycle and drive away(it was 10:30 am). I saw crackheads sleeping and firing up in the park that we neighbours had to get PERMISSION from the city to use for our community picnic....a park that is supposedly on the city's "Red Zone Policy" to keep the drug pushers/users and prostitutes from taking over city spaces, by the way. I saw the little drug dealers on bikes, whistling their codes to each other. I SAW police cars, plural, in our neighbourhood. Why didn't they see anything? They were too busy "arresting" a geriatric jack russel for pooping on the street. That's right, folks. Several police passed all those same things I did but one of Nanaimo's finest chose to stop to detain a dog and drive it out to the city pound. In fact, they probably passed us out on the street calling her name over and over again...what gives?!? Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful and relieved for her safe return($40 dollars later). I really, truly do appreciate that. I mean it. But, c'mon. If I saw all that in the passing of one half hour to 45 minutes, what did all the other folks looking for that dog see? How many crimes did it add up to? Those patrol cars just kept rolling on through, except to stop and pluck one gimpy little evil, yet fairly harmless, genius from Milton Street while she was leaving a little social statement for the neighbourhood to read. Crap.
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Anyway, as I said, not much news today...I was kind of recluse after our friends left, needing some quiet and some alone time. Still not feeling quite myself after my illness and am wondering what the hell could linger so long...later, then. G'nite.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
boring blahg
Here's an arbutus(madrona) from one of my dog walking spots...these are my favorite trees and this walk has loads of them...I have heard that if you rub the bark in your palms, it is a natural laxative, though it has never had that effect on me...thank goodness because some of my dog walkies are quite long!!!
Hopefully, the dogwood tree I got for Michael's birthday this year will have blooms like this next year. The blooms this year had just a hint of pink. These were in Olympia...they were impressive and I can't wait to see ours do the same.
Calalily at Donna's...I guess I am not done planting in my own garden because I don't have any of these!!! So beautiful next to my bed down there. Thanks, Donna.
Not much news today...waiting for company to arrive so I have been cleaning and mowing and getting ready...haven't watched the hood today. Walked Bowen park earlier with Deb and dogs, though. Vigan didn't know how deep the river ran and plunged right in. His little eyes grew so huge! But he liked it, all the same, coming out refreshed and full of piss and vinegar. That's about all tonight, today, whatever....just wanted a little post before guests arrived. Take care, all.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Some of the happenings of the hood...remember the guy I told you about who went after someone with a stick?!? Our neighbour across the street? He pulled a knife on his two roommates. Did I mention how much I love my neighbours before? Because if I haven't, I'd like to mention it here. Someone set off our "good" neighbour's motion detector sprinkler on the way through the yard in the wee hours of the morning. My friend opened the window cuz she could hear the guy in her back entry and told him to get the *bleepety bleep bleep bleep* out and he actually said to her, "It's alright, I am just running from someone. I'll get out of here soon." She let the dog out. I might have turned on all the lights and yelled out the window "HE'S OVER HERE!!!!!" Then again, the dog is good, too.

Talk to you later.
fire in the hood

More later.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
thoughts of home

Saturday, June 17, 2006
blahg about home

he liked my oh-so-apparent incapacity to fend off his avid company. Actually, I really enjoyed his presence...kinda of comforting in an overly eager sort of way.
So, I was going to come back and tell you all about my trip home...all the highs and lows, the good and bad, the funny, the sad, the sweet. Only I got sick the second night out and stayed sick through the whole trip so my stories are few and far between. I spent many, many hours in bed and my time awake was spent wishing I was back in bed(for the most part). I saw Donna in Seattle the first night, lots o'beer and stories. The next day was the Freemont Street Market. I saw overpriced Garlic Farmer's Clogs and revelled in the price I paid at Canadian Tire. Tee hee. That night, though, the Sick started and I drove into Olympia the next day feeling like I just needed to be put in some dark corner with lots of blankets, some cool cloths and quiet. I stayed that way for three days. The rest of my time was split between visiting family and friends and visiting the bed again. So lame. I'm sorry everyone for the lameness of the visit. I managed some nice but brief visits with the folks, one dinner with my sis(which I barely picked at cuz the medicines I took to get me outta bed ruined any appetite I might have had), a couple of drinks spread out over several days at our local dives(thanks for coming out to Joe and Maura and Rhiannon and Beth)....it was SO good to drink excellent micro-brews on tap for cheap...mmm, though in my condition I did it no justice. I drove home sick, stayed sick at home two more days with even more visiting thrown into that mix(sorry Em, for my lameness)...and then two nights ago we lost our kitty to traffic on Victoria Road...so there wasn't too much to really draw the stories out of me anyway.
I took few pictures but will put up some of what I did take in the next few entries and will catch you up a bit at a time on Olympia highlights and what's been going on in the Hood back here....some good stuff, man. Later, then. G'nite.
Friday, June 16, 2006
so sorry, Crook

We are so sorry we couldn't teach you to stay off the street, you were so determined to escape us. We are sorry we couldn't love you as much as your SPCA heart craved, but we tried. You were a total monster at times, but you were our monster. We love you. I will miss playing tag and smouse with you, will miss chattering with you, will miss you purring against me at night. I will miss you and Michael reading the paper together. Michael will miss you more than he will admit, but I know...and you do, too. Be good to Maggie over there. Play nice. We'll see you when we get there. loveloveloveyou, mister.
Friday, June 02, 2006
things I will miss

Talk at you later....G'nite. then.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
pink or green, pink or green, hhhmmmm

A) Got tired and gave up?
B) Ran out of greenish-blackish paint?
C) Realized that the original fleshy pink colour looks better than what they are covering it with?
Whatever, they need to finish this project. It looks like....well, I won't say it. I won't. You can't make me. They have had plenty of time to rethink the entire situation, already. The rest of us around here are trying to make things look nicer...oh, hey....I get it. The answer is....
D) They are hoping the neighbours all crack, buy them new paint in a great colour and come finish up for them.
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