Tuesday, May 16, 2006

tides turn

A columbine from our front garden. Remember how pretty things CAN be. Rousting the crackheads and hookers from the alley today at 7:30 pm.
Hooker(affectionately known as Screamer) and her John returning to alley at 8:15.

So, did I not say it was too quiet around here? Yessirree, I did. The other morning, early on Sunday, two guys were in a fight in the alley across the street. They were yelling at each other loudly about DOPE. They didn't use code words or anything....ya know, like the 1st guy should've said "Give me my 'jellybeans' back, you son of a bitch! I wouldn't have given you my 'gym socks' if I knew you didn't have any money!" And the 2nd guy should've said "no, man, I GOT money for the 'banana bread.' I just gotta wait for my buddy to arrive. Man, don't take the 'tetherball' back. I need a good dose of that 'rubber chicken.'" Ya know what I mean? They are just screamin' about DOPE...on Sunday morning! And later Sunday morning, a van pulled up at our back gate and four guys were gearing up to smoke some crack... like we're not gonna check on a van at our back gate? Um, hello? It's goddamn Sunday morning!
So, the alley across the street is becoming something of a problem. It happens so quickly... and the new neighbours who were "feeding" the hooker yesterday? Hopefully they learned the error of their ways cuz today they had to move them along from in front of their house. Nice.
That's the haps today...
Can't wait to see tomorrow!

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