Friday, May 12, 2006

garlic farming

I miss Emily's "Garlic Farmer Clogs" so much that I had to go and get myself a pair. How cute are these? On sale at Canadian Tire! I have no style of my own!.
So this is the vacant lot two doors up from us....there was a crack house there, became a squatter's paradise, then finally burned. Can you say U-Haul? Oh, I am SO KIDDING!!!! So the burnt hulk sat there for 9 months. People squatted there, did and sold drugs there, sold themselves there. Finally the owner came to tear it down. It took months, literally. Then the lot became the dump site for anyone wanting to get rid of old appliances, asbestos shingles, yard waste, dead bodies, whatever. Crack heads used it to smoke in, deal in, used it for a trail to the pawn shop(the ugly green building there) with stuff stolen from our neighbourhood. They had slumber parties there. I guess ByLaws Enforcement finally got tired of all of the neighbours complaining about it. Then the owner got tired of ByLaws Enforcement telling him it to come clean it he got a year later. Go figure. Isn't funny how a fence can make us so happy? Isn't funny how that fence is so photo worthy? Sad, isn't it?
Even better neighbourhood news, the second crack house(on the corner) was shut down yesterday! Hooray! Someone burnt it down....KIDDING. So kidding. Someone called the landlord over and he found 15 people sleeping there. Outta there!!!! Big sigh of relief. I do have to say, friends of ours just bought a house in a "better" neighbourhood for $232,000 with a crack house up the block so I don't feel so bad. We didn't pay nearly so much! Tee hee. So that's the haps tonight...and we should all sleep well tonight!
Talk at you later! G'nite


emily said...

i can't believe it! a fence? what a novel idea! why didn't we think of that earlier? oh....wait....we did. like a year ago!
love the garlic farmers by the way. teeeeheeeeee.

Jeep Grrrl said...

Canadian Tire, you say? I may just have to see if they come in size 'Massive'. It's about time that fence went up. Mind you, now the crack heads and hookers have something to protect them from things being thrown at them. Hopefully they won't find their way in there ...

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