Home again, home again...look at what was waiting for me....a pink iris. Have you ever seen anything so lovely? We put these in last year but they didn't bloom. We actually had no idea what colour they were....I hope no one picks them from the front garden...Buddha watch over them, please.

And the first of the roses are opening. Though I don't love dealing with rose bushes, they remind me so overwhelmingly of my grandma that we keep them. This one smells delicious, especially when the sun shines down and warms the air....

One of the neighbourhood landlords was collecting these in his backyard of his rental house for a while...I guess he got tired of his tenants parking them in the front yard! But, enough was enough, and he put them all out in the street in front of our place. I think he thought they might slowly migrate back to the store....like salmon going upstream or something. You can see that they did move from one side of the house to the other overnight. I almost helped them migrate to said landlord's front yard but Michael is more level-headed than I. He called Thrifty's and they sent someone to pick them up the same day...takes so much effort, doesn't it?
Oh the haps around here! The news of the hood continued while I was away in Sechelt. One of our neighbours had enough of the crackheads in the alley and followed them through the hood, right on their heels, giving them a little of the grief they have been giving us every day...he continued his work in the store where crack pipe making supplies are sold...he continued some more with some of the residents and property owners that make things "difficult" around here. I wish I had been here to cheer him on. Anyhoo, the police came(called by the lady running the store) but no one went to jail. Wouldn't it have been just friggin' peachy if our good and outraged neighbour went to jail while the dealers, pimps, hookers and lady selling pipes simply walked away from it all? So then, barely a day later, the crackheads he followed from the alley were back and creeping through his yard in the wee hours of the morning, peeking through his neighbour's window... ARGH!!!!
Yesterday, the RCMP were patrolling the hood looking for a man running naked through the streets. I jumped out there with my camera, on the hunt to bring you all PRIME south Nanaimo(Gates of Crazy Town) news and photos. I had my finger on the button throughout my "investigation" but never saw the naked man...sorry. I so wanted to do that for you...have no fear, though. I am sure it is not the last time...just as I am sure it was not the first time!
Well, folks, time is fleeting...miles to go today. Talk at you all later.