Friday, February 08, 2008

smoke and mirrors

LOOK AT THIS!!!! Look over here. TA DA....the city is giving us proper curbs and grass....if they come up with the money that they already had once for this project and spent elsewhere....yay, yay for us...curbs and grass and maybe even trees....look, look over here....

But wait...what? What is that?
Is that a ten unit wet housing that may be going in across the street from two properties that combined have been crack houses how many times? That's where the City Social Planner has been eyeing to put in the wet house? No matter how many studies the city has paid for that have recommended spreading out social services? No matter that study after study after study warns against acts that lead to the 'ghetto-ization" of any one part of the community? Really? Huh. Go figure.

NO! Don't look over there, don't look.... No, don't look behind that curtain...don't look behind....ah damn.

So VIHA is looking to open a big box service kinda like the No Hope Centre, er, sorry, the New Hope Centre...where they will provide a drop-in centre and yet another needle exchange....and more...with money pilfered from other programs that are already running under efficiency...Instead of running three programs well, they would rather run six programs badly. The drop-in centre has been closed three time here in two years...why is that? Could it be all the problems it caused to this neighbourhood all three times? Helping pave the way towards the open air drug market that we endured until just a few months ago? Could it be because properties it was housed in received damage and theft? Could it be because they just can't run this damn program?
And just where do you think it will be? This next time? Hmmmn?
Hey, but look over here at these curbs and grass and trees you might get if we find the money for them...that we already had once and spent somewhere else...just look at that, will you? Ah, c'mon, look over here, dammit.


raine said...

I don't think it will happen...I know how slowly the wheels of VIHA turn when it comes to programs, money, etc. I would make a bet on it, but I was wrong when I betted on survivor last night...

dilling said...

they opened the last two with little notice...and I hear the needle exchange may be on their last leg in it's current location.

Olly said...

Good God, the stupidity never ends...

Heidi the Hick said...

I still don't see how giving drugs to addicts solves problems.

Anonymous said...

"Well it just goes to show you, it's always something, you either got a toenail in your hamburger or toilet paper clinging to your shoe."

- Roseanne Roseannadanna

Val Cox said...

It's great that you're staying informed, and good that you're blogging about it.

islandbluejae said...

Oh. My. God.
Wishing I hadn't been sick last week and had made it to that meeting! Maybe we should just all move out and let the druggies run the downtown. Not to mention the Convention Center... speaking of which, if they open anymore of these stupid "services", I'm still thinking of offering free tours to tourists of our lovely downtown, etc. *evil smile*

Gardenia said...

I swear, to be a politician I think it is a requirement to be dull of mind. And we all pay taxes for this sort of thing.