Thursday, April 03, 2008

Use it or Loose it, folks....

Er, what? Loose it? Really? Loose it?!? Did someone really take the time to sneak into Nob Hill Park with two cans of spray paint to leave us this important message...It's Our Park, Use It or Lose It...only to misspell lose? Reminds me of this.... But, whatever, they are right... Be prepared, folks. It's spring. Get dispatch on your speed dial. Be involved. Be a presence. Make some noise. It's ours...and I don't wanna lose it.
It's starting to get busy around here....

new working girls in from somewhere....

People trying to make Nob Hill theirs again, after months of work for us to take it back. Some kids made a little fort in the park the other day, it was so cute! The next day, the crackheads were squatting in it doing drugs. This morning I dismantled it. Sorry, kids. Maybe someday but not this day....maybe the parks department could come pick up all the fallen limbs and such soon? We'd appreciate it, thanks.
This guy is cooking up at the one picnic bench left in the park, bolted down out in a wide, bare patch of grass close to two streets and the swingsets. Didn't care. Didn't care that I harassed him either, at the time, though I haven't seen him back.

Deals are being made. Make a fuss. You know your neighbours will back you up!!!
Let's not lose this.

The peach tree we planted last year is blooming like mad....and I'd like to stay around long enough to enjoy some cobbler from my own tree.


Anonymous said...

We went to the arboretum yesterday and the Mock Oranges were blooming. Oh my gosh the fragrance was outstanding.

Keep up the fight, Dilling. Hope you have some backing for it. Thinking good thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that they're taking down the old co-op building - now the poor hookers will need someplace new to live rather than ruining the end of my street.

From a purely mercenary point of view, every thing that gets fixed means my home goes up in value. Keep up the good fight!

dilling said...

anon~is that the granary on the tracks? I'm scared to see what comes out of that building....

Olly said...

Old co-op building? Granary on the tracks? Not sure where that is. I guess with spring all kinds of things are emerging.

It's come to my attention that there are two houses for sale on Victoria that we would just kill to own. Easily our price range, too. Both would go for such big dough if the city weren't coraling their social ill into that area.

I firmly beleive it can't go on too much longer. You and Micheal are sitting on a little gold mine there. The pics you have showed of the work you have done - just a matter of time. I have family that made a killing on a heritage home in James Bay after the city cleaned up the area. In the seventies and eighties it was quite tough.

Don't give up!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - it's the granary on the tracks - apparantly it used to be the coop store back in the day. Gotta be lots of good wood in that building, they're taking it down very carefully.

dilling said...

Olly, it's on Milton right across from that junk store.
I think the 7-10 Club is going in across the street from me. Isn't it nice when a service industry who PREACHES about spreading out the services goes against everything they have been talking about for ages? And pays good money to a landlord that has been victimizing at least some of their own clients as well as the neighbourhood they are going into? Nice.

Biddie said...

You know, I just said to KC yesterday..When the weather gets warmer, the crack heads come out.
It can be so discouraging.
Like you, I refuse to let them have my neighbourhood.

DILLIGAF said...

wonder if she keeps her wooly hat on?

dilling said...

I wonder if she leaves her headphones on?!?