Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He was not impressed

when I told him I hadn't been by to see him all week cuz my car was broke down...hee hee.
Two granny-smith apples smoothed things over, though.
Sigh. It's good to have my car back.


BBC said...

Pellet stove? Ya know, I bought one of those and I wasn't impressed. I heat my place for about a buck a day on electricity during the coldest month or two.

I never have an electric bill over 80 bucks so I'm sticking with that. Other than I might put in a wood stove someday because I have so much free firewood here.

It is a little work, but isn't all things?

Olly said...

Now it's my turn to not have a car. That means getting two (handicapped) teenagers to Barsby, then two younger ones to Georgia, byu foot. Being stuck here sucks. And I'm not even making good use of my time here. I think a long walk downtown tomorrow is in order - I have to get to the bank somehow! Tonight I took my husband's work van to get to yoga. God, I hate driving that thing!

lexiloo said...

i like the heart shaped tongue in this photo.

Michael Colvin said...

I miss my car too. It is good to walk on days that are nice but when it's raining it sucks big time.

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh man, that picture is hilarious!

So you and the big guy are friends again now that you can go see him more often? He seems pretty forgiving.

Biddie said...

I know all about the missing car thing. Although, Shawn and I are looking at a used Tailblazer.
Walking everywhere SUCKS WIND.
Cute photo :)

CindyDianne said...

He looks like a character!

I am glad you have your car back!

dilling said...

bbc, we have fuel oil to heat with, too frickin' expensive and the new pellet stoves work so much better than they used to...way cheaper, way hotter, and pretty too.
olly, ouch. at least i don't have kids to transport! that walk Downtown isn't so bad, it's back up that's the killer.
lexiloo, cool, eh?
tod, i don't mind walking in town but i was really missing all my dog walking spots. it's nice to get away from the madness of this neighbourhood for an hour or two.
heidi, he is hilarious...quite a sense of humour.
biddie, cars suck all your money away....i'd hold off a while.
cindydianne, me too!!