Thursday, May 31, 2007

Google Says Leslie Needs....

1. to be dealt with...(and I say severely! Ha!)
2. to bare a little more...(and I say bare more what?)
3. needs a player...(and I say that I don't know what to say about that)
4. to stop fancying herself...(and I say Amen)
5. to find a place in Paula's life...(and I say Who is Paula?)
6. to complete 30 credit hours...(and I say I didn't even know I was in school, which explains my grades!)

And yes, before you ask, Dilling=Leslie...somehow. In my world, anyway. And Google gave my nothing about Dilling's needs. Go figure.

I do know, and apparently Google does not, that Leslie needs to go home...sigh.


Heidi the Hick said...

To be dealt with! hahaha!

katy said...

her indoors say - dilling go home.
have a great weekend

mitchee said...

hey Leslie,
I know what its like to care about things that no one else seems to care about. Its a tough place.
And sometimes you find out you aren't so alone, afterall.