Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006

Thursday, July 20, 2006
just some stuff

Hmm, neighbourhood haps before we go...
1) the other day, my neighbour, Michael and I watched a TREMENDOUSLY BLATANT drug deal on the road in front of our house. We saw an RCMP car drive by, slow down, even stop and watch for a moment. Then guess what it did...go on, guess. It drove away. It was so very, very, very blatant!!! Damn it all. They just drove away.
2) I guess that Vancouver and Victoria are sending their homeless somewhere...here. And the papers here, the council here, the Salvation Army, everyone here, just refers to them all as "homeless." Hell, if there was someone around these parts who is simply homeless, I don't see them. There is so much more to this story. I see crack addicts, thieves, pushers, pimps and whores. We are watching deals, crack deals, sex deals, all deals, out here in front of our homes. It had been pretty quiet up here for quite a few months. Now the City wants to sanatize downtown...and look at what's happening here... and the police patrols are less and less.
3)The slum lord, er, I mean landlord, across the street came was over there at midnight last night. He was kicking some floppers out of the basement suite. While he was doing that, a flopper/pusher/pimp and his girlfriend/addict/whore quietly left the upstairs suite...the landlord didn't even see it. We have three properties across the street, half of the block, right now that are housing pushers, pimps, whores, and are flophouses. What the fuck? Where are the police right now? Sanatizing downtown.
Alrighty then, there may be more...I am on my second Faxe(strong danish beer) and I know I am not really writing very well...so I will wind it up for tonight. I will try to make time to say goodbye tomorrow...but just in case, I will miss you all while I am gone, even though I plan on having a good time!

I really meant to get some posts on this afternoon but it is 2:30 already and I am getting ready to head out for a swim at the bird sanctuary with the gals and the dogs...so, maybe later tonight or tomorrow I can catch up just in time to take off. That's right, folks. 10 days of camping in the Okanagan. How sweet it is. No crackheads, no hookers, no pushers, no pimps. Just some old friends, kids, a couple of dogs, the old vw, and a lake...hot dogs on sticks, a little flyfishing(can you say kokanee? mmm mmm), snoozing in the shade in the afternoon...gosh, it sure sounds great, doesn't it? Anyway, I will check in with a few of the haps here before I go.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Englishman River

Another camp trip this past weekend, nine people and six dogs...if you can really call it camping. Yes, we slept in the van, and our friends all slept in tents...but it was a Provincial Campground with running water. We ate like we were at some five star restaurant, though there was the definite taste of campfire in everything. Next time out, I fully intend to blacken hotdogs on a stick over a flame...real camping! But once again, friends and neighbours laughing so long and loud. I love when we get away from the trials of our neighbourhood. It proves to me that it is not the fight that binds us, but the friendships. I like that. Also, on these trips, we don't talk about the crack and the hookers and the pushers, but we still have plenty to yak about.

Enough for now...time for dog walkies. Talk at you later.
Friday, July 14, 2006
catching up

Talk at you later.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Butchart Gardens

G'nite, all.

Yesterday there was open, blatant dealing in front of Spanglish Grocery across the steet...with LOTS of deals and organization. However, I guess the publicity on the news was a bit of pressure, because when we called, the response time was fast. We had four neighbours calling in with us. And things happened. Quite another long story so I will just say that after some follow-up drive bys(after one initial arrest), the sorry assortment went to bother some other neighbourhood for a while... however, they did drop a lot of their drugs in the lot across the street when the first patrol stopped them(without baggies) and from the franticness spent searching after the cops left, I don't think they found a lot of it...and then it rained last night. Woo hoo! We heard one of them saying he was going back to Vancouver because he hated it here. I hope we cost them some money... and maybe something more. Next entry will be full of pretty flowers and happy things from our trip on the weekend...and we are heading out again this weekend! And the following week? Ten days of camping in the Okanagan. Sweet. Can't wait.
Okay, so later today? Flowers and loveliness.
Monday, July 10, 2006
feelin' groo-vee(w)

Friday, July 07, 2006
another rant?!?

Anyhoo, I am going camping tonight and won't be back til Sunday. Maybe I will be in a better mood...maybe lightning will strike.
Thursday, July 06, 2006

So we went to Morrell Bird Sanctuary on Dog Walkies two days ago. We found our fall blackberry picking spot. We found this chubby little camera hog of a squirrel. The weather was so lovely, we all went swimming, dogs and gals alike. We had such a nice time, we came home, packed a picnic and headed back after the boys were home from work. Gosh, it was beautiful. We had the place to ourselves, aside from the ducks. We ate, we drank a beer(just one), we swam again...The dogs ran around, we watched the sun coming down...We forgot to bring a watch but we were sure we had plenty of time...Plenty. We hiked back to the car and drove up to the gate...Guess what?!? Locked. Yessirree, bob. We were 11 minutes late... 11 minutes. So we hemmed and hawed and Michael called the number on the lock box...we were waiting for the tow truck to deliver us from our imprisonment(for a cost of $32). One of the gals(no names used, you guess)took some keys to use as tools, pried open the box on the gate. All the boy voices were voicing concern..."you better not..." "there's no way..." "You can't possibly...". I am sure you know the routine. Anyhoo, our gal, superwoman that she is, popped open that box, flipped a switch, opened the gate and we were on our way with our Get out of Jail Free Card. She put the box back together and away we went. Michael turned the cel phone off...we won't be back for a while, just in case...at least not in my car!!!! I am sure there is one pissed off somebody who drove out there to let us out...I'm not sorry. $32.00 to flip a switch? C'mon. Woo hoo...Tawanda!!!!! Girl Power!!!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
i'm back....

Ok, so here I am again. I didn't want to leave my rant as my final word tonight. I thought I might post some things that are making me happy, blueberries, pumpkins and raspberries. There's also a great story to tell about our picnic last night at Morrell Bird Sanctuary, as well, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I am going to head off the bed, nurse a sore head(sometimes I still have this headache from Washington...freaky) and read for a while. I have been reading more again lately and that also makes me happy. I just finished a book called The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch. He was born and raised in Olympia(like me), and his story takes place there. It was so cool(yes, I am using the word cool) to read a story and picture exactly every place in it because I'd been there, grew up there. He did change the name of one bar/tavern in the book, but I knew which one he was talking about...he didn't change the name so much that we who lived there wouldn't know it. And....it was a great story, too. Really. But I am rambling now...distracted myself with something shiny(a good book), I guess.
G'nite all.
one minute on my street

Did I not say things have been too quiet? Something turned this week and many, many hookers are being dropped at Spanglish "Grocery" across the street...probably because the smoke shop downtown has quit carrying crack pipe making supplies. Guess who bought all their surplus? Yipper... the owner of Spanglish. Great addition to our neighbourhood, isn't she? Yesterday we saw numerous hookers dropped here, a semi(with his cargo attached) came rumbling up our street at 2am, parked across the street for 15 minutes or so with a hooker, and then started up his engine and left again. So, not only is he degrading our neighbourhood, he had to wake us all up to do it.
Some days it seems overwhelming and I hate it. Really truly hate it. The RCMP do nothing to help. The city just pushes all their homeless/drug -addicted/thieves/burglars/mentally ill out of their precious downtown because of their NewNanaimoCenter....revitalizing downtown. I ask you, would you, given the choice, have your convention(an already prehistoric idea) in Victoria, Vancouver or Nanaimo? Hmmmm. Let's think on that a moment, shall we? Victoria...nice. Vancouver....nice. Nanaimo...huh? Yeah, I thought so. I will post some good things later. I was just overwhelmed with this b.s. at the moment. Thought I might vent.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Canada Day Weekend

Will try to get some neighbourhood haps in the next day or two....until then, g'nite.