Man, the lighting during a west coast winter doesn't really work for outdoor photos...with the flash on at noon, all my pictures look like I am out with the camera at midnight. That's how it is here, though. The long Grey...today looks pretty good for some sun a little later, though after the rain, it'll be a soggy doggy walk.

The hooker traffic and drug traffic seem to be picking up again on our street. Somebody somewhere must be making a push to clean up their street. I don't know why they always come back here...and there's rats living in and under the garage next door. I am so very NOT THRILLED by that. Doesn't seem like the neighbours intend to do anything about it and I don't know what that means for us. I can handle a mouse in the house every once in a while, but if I come across a rat...or if they get into our garage with the old vw van? Or bite my dog while she's in the yard?

I put up our five Christmas decorations the other day...and still don't feel very Christmas-y. Maybe once we get a tree...don't have a clue for a gift for Michael. Anyone got any ideas for me?

I don't seem to find much to write about these days...nothing seems to flow. I have to reach for every word...

...but at least I have been reaching for the camera again. And that feels alright.