So, trying to import this damn car....first had a helluva time with making sure the seatbelts would pass safety inspection(old automatic kind that had a faulty mechanism...they don't make them anymore, of course). Finally fixed and sorted.
Went to CanTire for inspection today and they said my car needed automatic daytime running lights in order to pass inspection. I said, "Well, that's great but can we do the inspection first because what is the point of putting in running lights and me paying for labour if it's going to fail because of something else, right?" Logical, eh? Got there at 8(my appointment time), they finally took my car in at 9(what's the point of an appointment, eh?), left there at 11:30, after paying for an inspection, the installation of running lights and still failing the safety inspection. Um, why, if my car was failing inspection, did you put in the running lights? Why would they do that??? And why did I just pay the bill and leave?
Because I am acting like a lunatic lately. And I didn't want to start bawling in the fucking automotive department of Canadian Tire...I can't seem to have a normal reaction to anything right now. I had to come home and cry.
So I got home and found a letter waiting saying we owe 200.00 plus dollars for importing the car in the first place(a well-maintained car that is not, as yet, passing the importation safety inspection while there are rust buckets belching black smoke and leaking gallons of oil EVERYWHERE around me as I drive ). I know that is not the case....my car is 15+ years old and exempt. In fact, the year, make and model are printed right there on their letter. WTF????? I KNOW that I don't owe that money but now I have to get a hold of this government agency to tell them their own rules? Like, really? And? Is anyone going to answer the phone?
Because, also, right now? Dealing with PharmaCare who wants my 2006/2007 tax returns in order to cover me...um, I just got legal residency in April of this year. I don't have tax returns for 2006/2007. I wasn't working. That would have been illegal. Federally illegal. But can I get anyone to answer the phone there? Hell no. And I really want to be covered because after my trip to Urgent Care last week, I actually landed myself a family doctor. For real. I see him on Wednesday...and, because I am acting like a lunatic lately, I was going to maybe see about getting on something that might make things less lunatic...for a while...but if I don't really have coverage? Cuz I don't have tax returns for years I didn't work? See? Lunatic?
Maybe it's not me at all. But I just don't know for sure. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHH!!!
But......... I don't like barely avoiding a breakdown at Canadian Tire when I should be hopping mad....and I would like to be able to deal with these tiresome, endless phonecalls with fellow lunatics without this sense of fruitlessness and the desire to pound my head against the wall...yeah. That would be nice. And? Would like to get back to enjoying more things, too. Obviously, this little funk I am in isn't as little as I would like to think...and obviously, oh so obviously, I would like to get myself back to me...and then head back to the Canadian Tire Auto Service Centre....possibly kick some ass...
It's a whole new world out here but I am not sure how I fit in it right now.