Monday, August 04, 2008


So, yeah...home's been a while. You forget eating alone, doing things alone, sleeping alone....
last night i was trying to sleep and a damn truck was parked outside idling....checked the window and the old fucker was sending his young buck down to the crackhouse. I went outside in my pjs and took two flash photos and the guy took off like a bat outta hell in his big shiny new red truck with no front plate(illegal in BC so he's from somewhere else....hmmm, where might that be?). this morning i saw his young man still wandering the neighbourhood lost...maybe i should feel bad, but i don't. not really. i live here.
today i went to see the X-Files a myself. yeah. i am THAT nerd, but the nerd down the row from me(also there by himself) was laughing out loud at little quips the movie made about the series, the little homages, as if he was the only one who got the least i wasn't THAT nerd!!!!!!!!! whew.
i bbqed!!!!!!!!!! yep. i did. by myself. and? it was edible!!!!!
got in an arguement with a crackhead hooker out front, too, today....she moved on, though. And another stand off with crack heads in the alley. Those ones are gone, too. Though it is getting real busy around here thanks to the crackhouse down on Finlayson. If the RCMP are reading this...that house is BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And nobody is smart enough to hide what they're up to so could you do something about it?!?! Please?!?!?!?!?
Crazy, isn't it????


CindyDianne said...

I go to the movies alone occasionally. The worst part is the going in, once I am sat down it doesn't bother me. I would have been going to see Mama Mia alone this week except my MIL called me yesterday and asked me to go. So, I am going with her.

Yay for edible BBQ that you did yourself!

Boo for all the run ins with crack heads!

Michael Colvin said...

So, there are crack smoking truck drivers on the roads? Scary...

Olly said...

Sound like you are finding lots to amuse yourself with, lol.

See? BBQing isn't so hard. Although, this is the first bbq that I don't mind lighting. All our other ones usually lit with a mild explosion. Hated that.

I'd be a little careful of pissing off the crackhead while your alone. Be safe!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Olly's last statement. Jeeze. Alone-time is something I really enjoy, but in relative doses. In fact, the sleeping alone part I'd rather do without.

Did you like the X-Files movie? Was it pretty good?

dilling said... wasn't like going to the was like I was 23 again, turning off the phone, the lights, not asnwering the door, just to watch the X-Files, just cuz "I want to believe." It felt like that the good ole visiting old friends and good times. I liked it a lot...I am sure the critics hate it(haven't checked. Go figure.