Tuesday, August 05, 2008

four minutes and counting

until bedtime...actually a late bedtime, considering. I am working lots the next two weeks and there is lots of peripeheral stuff going on, too. I wish Michael were home now, but it's okay. It's just cuz things seem to be gettin out of hand, and I worry. I worry about Eem-er home alone, and the heat with this weather. My dog sitter is unavailable for the next couple of days but I still feel guilty even though I KNOW all is well, and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people, leave their dogs to go to work every day. And meeting friend(s) in some sort of crisis a-couple-of -few-times this week is cutting into what dog time I do have. Why is everyone always in crisis mode at the same time? Why do things always work out like that?
Anyhoo, four minutes is up...and then some.
gotta get up early and get out for a long dog walk(instead of my run) in the morning...and should have been in bed a while ago...
i miss taking pictures, ya know?
and i miss all of you out there, too.
well, nighty night, then.
sweet dreams


CindyDianne said...

Good morning! I hope your dreams were sweet as well! I understand the leave the dog at home thing. Since I work at home, I don't like leaving them when I do decide to commute. I worry too. Especially about Daisy. Who is accustomed only to me and tends to get depressed when I am not around. All that said, I am sure she will be just fine and will be super glad when you are home!

Biddie said...

Of course your baby will be ok, but you are a good doggy mom and you worry.
If I am gone, even for a few hours, my dogs feak out...Chewed up toilet paper shredded phone books, and toys scattered from one end of the house to the other..But, they are always ok.
Hope you had a good, restful sleep :)