Monday, August 11, 2008

Still here.........

Working lots these past couple weeks....things should quiet down after the coming weekend and I will try to catch up. Michael just got home on Saturday night(so good to have him home) and back to work today, which is my day I had a nice lunch on the patio of the Fox and Hound Pub with just girls... and Pimms. Cheers, Tod. I had to to try it. I was so curious. It was yummy...but could be a dangerous hardly know you're drinking!
So, I have stuff to post and photos and all, but time gets away from me these days. Who knew the days could be so short?!? I had all the time in the world a few months ago. Yesterday was spent catching up a week's worth of chores. Today, after some errands this morning, a walk with Eem-er and then's after 3 already!!!! Yikes.
So...don't give up on me yet. Next week should be much quieter. I may not even know what to do with myself!


Michael Colvin said...

A convert! Woohoo!

dilling said...

Tod, it made me feel so...continental?
And that we share a little something special...tastiness.
oh, AND? I know that this drink apparently was lacking oranges and cucumber(as is the tradion?), but we got there for lunch and drinks just when they opened and all stocks had not yet arrived. However, for the most part, if you arrived here for a visit, I would have NO ISSUE with taking you there for a completely traditional English Pub meal and drinks. You get that? It means, "come visit me."

Michael Colvin said...

I would love too! :) Canada is on our top five places still to see, and with lots of bloggy friends over there it would be so much fun. Sigh... one day.

captain corky said...

I can't says that I blame you for choosing to spend a day in the sun with friends and drinks over blogging, but next time lets be a little more efficient with our time and maybe bring a laptop along. ;)

Anonymous said...

you know I have never tried Pimms!!
but a long cool drink sat in the sun mmmmmmmm

Olly said...

Nope, haven't tried Pimms yet. I'll add it to my important thing to do list, though.

Yes! Tod and G should come to Canada!!!

Biddie said...

I had never heard of Pimms before Tod mentioned it. Now I have to try it :)

Anonymous said...

with your job and my kids do you think we will ever be together...?

Gardenia said...

Today was way too short here too - all summer was waaaaaaay too short. Pimms, eh? Sounds good!

Heidi the Hick said...

I'm still here too! Even if it seems that I'm kind of not.