I did sleep in one day, though.
Been falling in love, too. My next-door neighbour just got two puppies....one is for her mother-in-law, though I pleaded with her to tell her in-law that he(the pup) got lost in the shipping or something....
Nom nom nom....ooooooooooh, I lovers him so.
Eem-er discovered a rabbit living in the yard up the end of the block. Now she is obsessed and I have to be so very careful that she doesn't have any way to escape the house anymore. AAAiiiieeeeee!!!! As if we needed one more behaviour issue!!!!

And, of course, the Hood. There is an alley across Nicol Street that has become the new hangout. And, of course, the crackheads are congregating in groups of 20+ again. Same old mob mentality coming across, intimidating the folks that live there, harassing the residents. How bad will it have to get? How much garbage and filth will they leave behind and the city won't clean it or do anything about it? Anytime I go out on my porch, I can see them there. At night, the glow of crackpipes is like some sick, twisted Christmas tree. The drug deals and the open use of drugs happening right there just like it had been up here last year....deal after deal after deal being made. It's ridiculous.

And, of course, the Hood. There is an alley across Nicol Street that has become the new hangout. And, of course, the crackheads are congregating in groups of 20+ again. Same old mob mentality coming across, intimidating the folks that live there, harassing the residents. How bad will it have to get? How much garbage and filth will they leave behind and the city won't clean it or do anything about it? Anytime I go out on my porch, I can see them there. At night, the glow of crackpipes is like some sick, twisted Christmas tree. The drug deals and the open use of drugs happening right there just like it had been up here last year....deal after deal after deal being made. It's ridiculous.
Well, looky that! Had enough yet?
My time is up and I am at the last photo. Go figure. So, I gotta go now, walk the dog, run a couple of errands, pick up some cash for U-Dog guy and the farmer's market, get home, meet the U-Dog guy, do Eem-er's evaluations, go to the farmer's market, come home, make two+ pounds of pesto, dinner, have a drink, collapse into bed and be back to work in the morning. I had four days off and I am exhausted!!!!
Talk at you later?