Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Killing the blues....

Sometimes, for no apparent reason, you just wake up to a crappy mood, to a crappy day... it doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything...except maybe synapses misfiring in your today. No reason for it. Just grouchy. I think it is the synapse thing cuz I have also been smelling peanut butter all day(I don't really even LIKE the smell of peanut butter)...and we don't have any peanut butter in the house, let alone spread under my nose. So yeah...will have to finish camping photos later...cuz when I am grumpy, sad, blue, whatever, all that helps is turning up the music and singing cathartically and vocally challenging tunes. It helps. Really it does(that and cleaning. Funny, you'd think I would be smelling tea tree cleaner or Mr. Clean...laundry soap.... not peanut butter)!

Though the neighbours may not think so!


Biddie said...

I know those days all too well. I hope that your crummy day is over and you are feeling better. :)

Lily said...

It's in the air. The crabbiness, I mean. Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

Michael Colvin said...

You know, I sometimes get that feeling days after a holiday. I put it down to a sudden drop in happy chemicals. Hope you feel less grumpy soon, I need to see those pictures. :)

Olly said...

It's the craziness of the heat and too many things to be done. Also visitors - the joys of living in Canada's vacation capitol!

How's the new job going?

Gardenia said...

My guess is that someone has planted the peanut butter somewhere to pollute the air space you breathe knowing it will make your day crummy - I have the same thing happening here with mold - I walk in and the house smells like the walls are rotting out - first I check for hubbies shoes - then again, perhaps it is a haunting..........????????

dilling said...

we have two hauntings in this house...She smells like lilac and he smells like hot dust just after the rains start(even in winter)