Thursday, October 25, 2007


Hey, Rain, I finally made it...ready when you are. How many photos-ish? I called the above photo "Ode to Rain."
...except when we go for a walk
to get the Sunday paper
I stand there and read the headlines
she reads the wind
sometimes she hits a funny smell and laughs
I hate it when she does that- I feel so dumb
what? what?
Everything Reminds Me of My Dog by Jane Siberry
p.s. Buy this, cd.....holy s@*t. It may rock your a bluegrass-y, steamy sort of way.


raine said...

My own "ode"! I love it! How I love the blue benches. And aren't you nice.

Ok! I'll put up my photos first thing in the morning. Not sure yet how many....I'm going to set up now. Where will we go next week?

Anonymous said...

Sniffin' the wind! It's so hard to take Cali out in the mornings when the leaves have fallen and the wind is whipping them around. I'm in a hurry and she is not! She catches the wind and just stands and basks in it. Sometimes I wish I could smell what she does. And enjoy it! My friend calls it Doggie e-mail. I will check out your music selection when I get home this evening.

Michael Colvin said...

That blue bench shot is great. Can I get my cats to venture more than a few steps outside into the cold? Not likely, when there is a warm cushion for them to sleep the day away.

emily said...

good shot of eemer!


beagles rule!