Friday, August 24, 2007

Heidi did it first!!!

And it looked kind of cool so I took the Book Quiz, too.

"You're Loosely Based!by Storey ClaytonWhile most people haven't heard of you, you're a really good and interesting person. Rather clever and witty, you crack a lot of jokes about the world around you. You do have a serious side, however, where your interest covers the homeless and the inequalities of society. You're good at bringing people together, but they keep asking you what your name means."

Eerily right on, isn't it? I mean, aside from nobody hearing about me...cuz I am famous, right? And that bit about being witty and interested in society and all...and bringing people together....hmmm. What does Dilling mean?

Guess I have a book to buy now...and about 20 other quizzes to take!
***Do you think it really matters if Storey Clayton helped design that site, or contributed to that site, or made some of the quizzes on that site? It's just a *concidence* that his name and book is the one that came up for my quiz, right? Right? Er, right?


katy said...

just done this one at coffeypots place and i am the hitch hikers guide something about being funny, but not today :-(

Heidi the Hick said...

Man. This book quiz thing is CRAZY!

I didn't really start it though. I gotta fess up. I got it from Kansas Hippy Chick but I forgot to link! I should fix that.

So far all of these are eerily right on...and I hope I remember this book because I'll have to check it out!

Victoria said...

I ended up with uh... I forget, but it said this " you see things in black and white. The world is strange and new to you and the more you learn about it, the less it makes sense. " which is very true for me

dilling said...

you know what's driving me crazy on blogger? I have gone to edit to spell interested the correct way three times now and blogger just won't fix it....
Victoria? Remember your post about shades of grey?

captain corky said...

I gonna have to check this out, but I'm scared it might shatter my own self image of me. I always think of myself as Superman. What if it's not true...