Today I haven't done too much. Just cleaning up after the Pest Control people who came and gassed the house for carpenter ants....damned things! We could hear them munching the wood in the ceiling of the basement!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Just can't seem to get ahead on the bills...we finally got a month with money left over in the bank only to have call in pest control. Go figure.
Anyhoo, trying to figure out some fun things to keep myself from missing Michael and this trip too much. Going to go see the new X-Files for sure, since Michael didn't want to see it anyway...planning a movie and mojito with my friend Michelle...so far, that's all I got. I doubt that's enough to keep me from missing him and missing this trip(to see old friends and family), but it's alright. Having the house to myself for a while is kind of a treat, too. I can order pineapple on my pizza, don't have to share my ice cream and I get ALL the pillows AND all the blankets AND can take up as much bed as I want.
Obviously my attempts at distraction will have to be better!
Talk to y'all later.
Maybe I'll have more to talk about.